Portland Rd Trip - L.A. Traffic is AWESOME!

Well, Carmel and I have just settled down for the night outside of L.A. in Torrence, CA at my brother John's house. His wife, Ana, fixed us a delicious dinner and we all have been hanging out and catching up on old times. It only took us about 8 hours to get here from Phoenix. It was a really beautiful drive. Some of the highlights were the gorgeous Arizona mountain and desert landscapes, the mezmorizing California windmills, and the massive traffic congestion of downtown L.A. during evening rush hour. Sweeet! You can't experience L.A. without diving into sufficating bumper to bumper traffic, right? We accidently missed our turn on the way to my brother's house and found ourselves at a recreational park overlooking the Pacific Ocean from a high above mountain view. It was spectacular. God continues to impress me with the magnificance of His creation everyday. I am in awe of the smallest details He attends to all for His glory. I thank Him for allowing me to share in that purpose.
Tomorrow we head out for the California Pacific Highway, traveling through wine country for a few samples and hopefully finding a cool campsite to sleep overnight and enjoy the majestic evening starlit sky under.
PS for more updates and pics check out: http://www.myspace.com/benmalick
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