A Break with no Breaks! --Yee Haw!
Well, it's mid-semester break, AKA Spring Break, from seminary and I'm lovin' it. It seems like ever since Good Friday last week something refreshing and invigorating has taken hold of me. I think that in order for God to get a hold of me, I have to repent and surrender to him. It's such a mysterious ongoing relational process that words are totally inadequate to describe.
Anyways, I've been catching up on some much needed cleaning and projects around the house and beyond, as well as reconnecting with some distant and not so distant friends. School projects are still at the bottom of the list, but gradually making their way up. I'm excited about getting some work done on planning a week long mission trip to Mississippi to help support our community development friends at the John Perkins Foundation with the Zacheria 8 project in mid-May. It's also been wonderful to have some peaceful time in the scriptures, particular John 10 & 11. I'm amazed at how the close proximity of Jesus in peoples live will evoke some kind of transformation inside them. Whether it's embracing them or hurting him, the simple truth of some kind of relational interaction is guaranteed to produce change, be it good or bad. The worst thing that can happen, from the examples in what I've been reading, is that the people would ignore Jesus, or run away from Him, in some desperate attempt to imagine Him simply "going away". But my experience has shown me that He doesn't simply "go away", instead He relentlessly pursues me with His Holy Love and crashes at time, but more often gently nudges me into His warm embrace. Praise God!, right?
So, does anyone else have some cool spring break stories to tell, or maybe just ways you've seen God in your life or others around you? I'd love to hear them. Email anytime at: silver.smith@hotmail.com